RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a new technology that enables to publish news and events in a format that can be accessed by anyone over the Internet. RSS is a reusable, secure, timely technology that empowers users. RSS is published in feeds or channels, and read using a new category of software called news aggregators.
RSS began catching on a couple of years back, when Web logs, or blogs, started using it to let readers know they had posted something new. Soon traditional publishers dove in. During the past year, The Wall Street Journal, National Public Radio, and Reuters Group have added RSS feeds.
If you aren't familiar with RSS, perhaps you remember push technology, the late great killer application of the '90s. Like RSS, push let people get news updates delivered to their computers. But it used so much bandwidth it clogged corporate networks, and it never caught on because consumers had little control over what they got.
RSS -- designed by independent engineers and helped along by Netscape Communications Corp. -- was built to be simpler. Consumers can use it by downloading a news reader(free download), such as FeedReader or Sharpreader, that pulls together updates in one place on a PC, or by signing up for an online service such as My Yahoo or Bloglines, which aggregate updates on a personalized Web page.
Mrs H. used to get her online news the traditional way: by visiting 10 of her favorite sites several times a day. But since joining the free online service Bloglines a year ago, the San Rafael librarian surfs no more. Now the news comes to her. Using software known as RSS -- for Really Simple Syndication -- Bloglines pulls together regular updates from a variety of sites. Houghton can check them each time she logs on to the service. "RSS is the primary tool I use to get news," says Houghton, 27. "It's all delivered to me; I don't have to go searching anymore."
The blog of Rue Souveraine is also providing you with a RSS Feed, so that you can be informed in real time about every latest news coming. This is the "Syndicate this site" link you can see up to the vertical right menu. Just copy-paste it in your news aggregator and you’ll stay tuned !